Well designed Well positioned CBLA 3, 5 and 7 Rate Sheet Multi-Year, Tax-Deferred Guaranteed Return Annuities Issued by Colorado Bankers Life Insurance Company (CBLife) CBLA 3 3-Year Guarantee $50,000 Minimum $1,000,000 Maximum without home office approval 3.10% CBLA 5 5-Year Guarantee $10,000 Minimum $1,000,000 Maximum without home ofice approval 3.80% CBLA 7 7-Year Guarantee $10,000 Minimum $1,000,000 Maximum without home office approval 4.10% Rates effective as of July 1, 2018 rates subject to change Contact us for more information about 136 Berlin Road, Cromwell CT whether one of these solutions is right htp:lhegacyplanninggrouplic.com for you. Legacy Planning Group, LLC 860-983-1117 Charles Homicki This ploce provides a bvief summary of product features. The contract associatod with the product will contain the actual terms, defintons, imitations and excusions thet apply Prodtuct foaturas and Bankors Lifo Insuranco Company Contract form sories ICC17C and A-PDA O. orne cusions and e coptions apply, P10000 rol rtoth0 contract for theact tor sand condtions that apply. vary by state and are solay the responsbilty of Colorado Guarentoes ane backed by the claims-peying ablity of Colbrodo Bankers Life Insurance Company. Annuities are designed for long term accumulation of money; surrander and withdrawal fees may apply on eary withdrawals. Annulty withdrawals are subject to nome tax and withdraw als prior to age 59½ may also be subject to ar1RS penalty. Colorado Barkers Uensurance Company and ts mprosontatives do not glvo logal or ux advico. Consult your tax advsor bofora making any annuty withdwals. Soo contract for dotals, the summary contalned in this ploco ls only an overviow of the actual dofintions. The actual contract dofintons should be consulted and wa control Products and services are underwritten andor provided by Colorado Barkers Ue Insurance Company Drham, NC, kened 49 stafes fexcluding New Yorkl, the District or Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Products and sevices may not be avalable in al states Not FDIGINGUA insured Wehdrawal charges may apply Not bank CU guaranteed Not a doposit Not insured by any tederal agency CBLAs Rate Sheet-Core CBL (07-18