n many situations, the re-engineering of the parts/assembly will allow our customers to increase performance and/or reduce cost. It also allows them to gain competitive advantages in the marketplace by using tools specially modified with their process in mind.
ASC2T was founded in 2003 by several engineers with the belief that they could develop the technology and business model to provide manufacturers with the lowest cost of ownership for parts used in their processes. This included providing new parts, repairing, cleaning and/or re-engineering the used parts for use many multiples of time.
After rapid growth during the first two years the company moved to its present location in Durham, CT in 2005. Along the way ASC2T has provided an invaluable service to its customers and has developed numerous partnerships with like minded companies...that is to help its customers reduce their operating cost through cost savings and/or innovation.
ASC2T continues to develop their technology and expand their product offerings as they move into development of new materials, new performance coating, new designs and new distribution channels, all in an effort to reduce cost and improve performance for their customers.