LEN FASANO A BI-PARTISAN LEADER WITH A RECORD OF SUCCESS RESTORING ECONOMIC PROSPERITY FOR ALL OF CONNECTICUT .Passed two historic bi-partisan budgets . Voted against the largest tax increases in state history Implemented a spending cap and bonding cap to control state expenses and reduce debt Developed a plan to increase funding for transportation infrastructure without the need for new taxes PROTECTING WORKING FAMILIES, WOMEN AND CHILDREN . Lead efforts to enhance access to prenatal care for pregnant women and increased coverage for breast cancer screenings Supported continued and expanded coverage for essential health benefits for women and children Lead the fight to restore funding for Medicare Savings Accounts and fully fund services for individuals with disabilities LEN IMPROVING EDUCATION AND THE HEALTH AND SAFETY OF OUR COMMUNITIES FASANO Increased state funding for local schools and developed a fair education funding formula .Authored and passed first-in-the-nation laws to lower the cost of prescription drugs and protect STATE SENATE November 6 Row B patients from high medical costs Increased funding for school security and supported teacher advocated reforms to protect teachers and students Len In 2018 FasanoIn2018.com Paid for by Len in 2018, Christine Mulligan, Treasurer. Approved by Len Fasano