You Know the Hartes 60 Years of Service In the Community, Family-Owned & Operated for 3 Generations Did You Know They Have ONLY A Harte BEAT AWAY A Volkswagen Store In Meriden? Harte VOLKSWAGEN of Meriden Volkswagen 375 S. BROAD ST. MERIDEN, CT HARTEVW.COM 203.590.8389 As a thank you to our loyal customers, on Friday, March 29th, the FIRST 20 VW owner walk-ins will receive a FREE All other walk-ins on Friday the 29th and Saturday the 30th will receive oil changes for: 50% OFF Volkswagens only, 50% off regularly priced oil changes. Includes 5 quarts of oil. Cannot be combined with any other coupons of advertised. Walk-in appointments only. Must present offer when order is written. Not valid with any other offer. Limit one per household. $89 value. Valid on Friday, March 29th only. 02019 Strong Automotive Merchandising. All Rights Reserved