466 LLC A Full Service Salon & Spa Come visit our one stop salon and spa for an all inclusive experience. Thanks for voting us BEST "Hair Salon, Nail Salon and Therapeutic Massage" ci a BEST OF... (DLU.nc AWARDS Receive 20% Off your first visit. Exp. June 30, 2018 | ICannot be combined with any other offers HAIR . FACIALS NAILS . PEDICURES . MASSAGE . BODY WAXING MAKE-UP 466 East St. (Rt. 10) Plainville 860-747-9466 Hours: Mon 9:30-2:30, Tues. & Wed. 9:30-8, Thurs. 11-8, Fri. 9-6, Sat. 9-3 Studio466Salon.com